E. Susanne Blazek, PhD



A man saw me pursuing the horizon;

Round and round we sped.

He was disturbed at this;

He accosted me.

"It is futile," he said,

"You can never--"

"You lie," I cried, 

And ran on.

~Adapted from Stephen Crane

I am a behavioral scientist with 10 years of experience conducting resarch in the social and behavioral sciences. I have researched leadership outcomes, women in leadership, purpose, digital health intervention outcomes, and precision nudging (the application of artificial intelligence to personalize, frame, and motivationally match health messaging in the right channel to the right person at the right time). I am skilled in both qualitative and quantitative methods.

I have experience in hiring and building teams, developing and leading scientific and thought leadership initiatives, building scientific strategy and research operations, developing external partnerships and collaboration opportunities, and publishing and presenting social science. I am passionate about applying research insights to improve people's health and well-being in a scalable way.

My personal purpose is "to demonstrate making the first 1% change."